We all have a wild side
The Big Sky
A.B. Guthrie Jr.
details: 1947 by Mariner Books
years ago A.B. Guthrie Jr. captured readers with this novel of adventure,
action and romance and many are still falling into its grasp today. This novel
tells the tale of Boone Caudill, Dick Summers and Jim Deakins, frontiersman, explorers
and general tough guys. The trio are trappers and traders hunting the frontiers
and surviving off the land. Despite the harsh terrain and dangerous lifestyle
the men become humbled by the freedom and beauty of the wilderness. Each of
them find their own internal peace and begin to embrace isolation, hunger and
fear. The men teach Caudill, a young aspiring bush man, to live they way they
do and instead of finding peace Caudill unleashes an inner wildness that all
other trappers begin to fear. Rather than surviving Caudill thrives, living
like an animal and resenting the human lifestyle. When the daughter of a nearby
tribal chief falls for him Caudill has one last chance of humanity.
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