Friday 20 May 2016

Blood Meridian - Cormac McCarthy

Evil has never been so fascinating

Title: Blood Meridian (also known an Evening Redness in the West)
Author: Cormac McCarthy
Publication details: Published May 1992 by Vintage Books (first published 1985)

The book follows a group of people who are hunting Indians in the old Southwest, focusing on one character in particular, the Judge, arguably one of literatures greatest villains. The Judge is mesmerizing and terrifying, as the novels pace quickens we become attached to his story and his actions. The author uses a character from his gang The Kid to create a contrast between good and evil – this is important because the many actions of The Judge can seem normal after a while. The violence in this novel is blatant and not glorified or stylised in any way – it’s dark, cold and direct, creating a separate contrast, this time to the land itself. The hot, dry landscapes are written in vivid, descriptive language, a nice change from the tone of the plot and action scenes. 

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